Natural Sciences - Evolutionary History - The Life of the Etruscans
ASSOCIATED with the National APM

1st) SECTION: begins with the part dedicated to NATURAL SCIENCES and allows you to closely observe MINERALS, FOSSILS, SHELLS, HERBARIUM.Know nature to love it!For Gallorini the collection is not an end but a means to also understand the evolutionary history of our planet and appreciate the wonders of CREATION; understand our past to think about an eco-sustainable future.
Installation and cataloging carried out in collaboration with ITIS and the University of Siena, specialization in Environmental and Natural Sciences.

The poster in front of you shows the history of our planet highlighting the various ERAS, PERIODS, EPOCHES... it is important to note in the last two graphs on the right HOW THE TEMPERATURE and AVERAGE LEVEL of the SEAS have always varied in the different eras but CHANGE SUCH FAST THEY HAD NEVER SEEN BEFORE...

The black display below shows sea urchin shells in HOLOGRAPHIC/EDUTAINMENT mode. Whoever manages to take the pink one wins an Etruscan dinner 😊 !!

The Infinity column shows this particular shell from all angles – infinite views and infinite food for thought on the health of our seas….

Minerals, Fossils, various
The cabinet/showcase contains various collections that can be summarized as follows.
First shelf at the top from the left. on the right:
• Volcanic rocks from Etna and Vesuvius
• Corals and Madrepores, some are bleached due to warming seas
• Starfish of various origins
• Predominantly quartz crystals
• Predominantly crystalline minerals of various origins
• Useful minerals from which to extract salt, gypsum, iron, copper
• Shell and ammonite fossils, a small fossil fish and a mummified one
• Shell fossils, in the center the fossil scallops identical to the current ones
• Fossil leaves of trees still present such as elm
• Shell fossils deposited on the seabed
• Current shells similar to fossil shells, especially the scallop shell
• Sea urchins with their fossil ancestor and other finds
It all started about 4.54 billion years ago. The proto-Earth continued to form by accretion, until the innermost part of the proto-planet was hot enough to fuse the heavier metallic elements... just 10 million years after the planet began forming. This resulted in the layered structure of our planet and laid the foundations of the future Earth's geomagnetic field...
And since then our wonderful minerals have been continuously forming!
It was highlighted that some fossils have a currently living equivalent.
Our few fossils are all related to shells and even if they are of foreign origin they serve to document in a qualitative way how life evolved on the planet, drawing a parallel with shells.

In front you will find a collection of shells from all over the planet.
Observe the wonder of shapes created by nature with perfect geometries and fantastic colors!
In the classification labels you will find the origin in addition to the name.

It consists of a collection of dried plants, created by Gallorini, some tables from an ancient herbarium, ancient prints, specific texts from the 18th century with engravings by Luigi Figuer and today's illustrated atlases.
On the right there are mushrooms reproduced with the "plaster cast" technique. They are models for mycological study.
Coming from our biolake, there is equisetum hyemale, a well-known "fossil plant" that is still the same today as the one present millions of years ago.
In just a few meters we have retraced the billion-year history of our wonderful planet!!
The Mu.Vi. with BOTANY it also extends outdoors with the Biopark, the Bio-Vegetable Garden and the Biolake! Where the museum comes to life! We will visit them when finished.

At the end of this journey we find a famous drawing* which represents the spiral of geological time and prepares us for watching the film in the multimedia room.
As you can see, after hundreds of millions of years the first unicellular organisms with a nucleus appeared and then more and more rapidly they evolved into thousands of species...
We highlighted the two main mass extinctions and the ANTHROPOCENE, which began with man's modification of the environment.
This does not yet have a certain dating but already in the first centuries BC. this phenomenon happened and with the industrial revolution it continued exponentially!
The massive withdrawal of renewable resources and a highly disruptive and very rapid action in all the renewal mechanisms of biogeochemical cycles are putting the planet's resilience in difficulty!
*Designed by Joseph Graham, William Newman, and John Stacy

On the right, on the two shelves, you will find an example of the fossil and mummified finds which summarize the materials that have allowed man to reconstruct the HISTORY OF EVOLUTION.

In the adjacent room we find a space dedicated to multimedia communication and laboratory experiences.
First, let's sit down in the comfortable armchairs to watch a short film which, thanks to exciting and evocative images, reconstructs the entire history of the planet in 24 hours!

Near the window we find a space dedicated to insects. Ancient texts with engravings show how much man has always written about these small and fragile beings that pollution and pesticides now risk destroying, as with bees, which are extremely precious for pollination and the consequent food production of fruit and other vegetables...
Particular importance is given to the large dragonfly, collected and preserved by Gallorini, similar to various fossil species from the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous reproduced in the photo.
Here with the students in STAGE and the microscopes we show various aspects of this microcosm.
Before the showcase dedicated to the Chimera, which we will find at the exit, a fascinating vision of the holographic CHIMERA marks the beginning of the third section.

3rd) SECTION: The CHIMERA and the ETRUSCANS. We have seen the evolution of the planet and life up to the ANTHROPOCENE, to continue we have chosen to show the life of our recent predecessors in the land of TUSCANY: the ETRUSCANS.
This Holographic installation shows the most famous sculpture of this people: the CHIMERA!
Known throughout the world, which has become synonymous with fantastic and unattainable ideas, it has been studied for years by our professor. Gallorini and faithfully reproduced by him with permission from the MINISTRY OF CULTURAL HERITAGE.
The hologram shows the steps that gave the Chimera its brown coat and red blood stains…
Let's move towards the exit and here is another hologram that shows the countless communication possibilities of this Edutainment tool by reproducing some famous sculptures.

We conclude the visit with a close-up view of the faithful small-scale model of the Chimera, in the version hypothesized by Gallorini, president of the Study Center.
This result was obtained following extensive studies on CNR sources and other important national research bodies.
All this is described in his latest book "The Chimera as it was - The revealed myth", which you will find on sale in the Book Shop together with faithful reproductions of the Chimera as it was.
A more detailed description will be made shortly in front of the faithful life-size reproduction present in the park.