There are more and more EXPERIENCES selected among the many that we make available for schools, universities and visitors to our Mu.Vi Museum.
From 2024, with the official recognition of our Mu.Vi. - Museum of Life - among the "small museums" at national level, we have decided to also let Italian and foreign visitors and tourists participate in our activities.
For those who are on holiday or want to spend a different day dedicated to Edutainment, with cultural, artistic, food and wine, musical experiences and much more!
All Experiences can be customised, combined and enjoyed in pairs or small groups with us and up to 60 (for some experiences), at the facility in Cesa in Valdichiana.
Any experience can be combined with a tasting (of variable size upon request), in Etruscan style
Some activities are in agreement with visits to museums and suggestive locations in Arezzo where it is possible to listen to the sound of ancient organs dating back to the 1500s.

From the Etruscan flute (with construction experience), to listening to the famous 16th century organ in the Cathedral.
Ceramics workshop with creation of some Etruscan shapes (basic course)